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Flag Football in Landenberg, PA

Join the vibrant Penn Del Flag Football League, Inc. community where passion for sportsmanship and the love of the game come alive! Our league prides itself on offering a fun, competitive, and inclusive environment that welcomes players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete looking to showcase your abilities or a newcomer aiming to learn the ropes while making new friends, Penn Del is your destination to engage in the thrill of flag football and be part of a team that values camaraderie and fair play.

group of kids and their coaches at the stadium playing football

Our Mission and Vision Statement

Penn Del Flag Football League, Inc. League’s mission is to offer every eligible player the chance to play the game. We aim to provide a platform where young players can comprehensively understand football while emphasizing participation and sportsmanship. Our flag football program is designed to be both fun and educational, offering a safe environment for players to develop their skills and abilities. Our vision at Penn Del Flag Football League, Inc. League is to cultivate a generation of players who are not only skilled in passing, catching, ball carrying, defensive coverages, and route running but also imbued with life skills of sportsmanship, teamwork, discipline, and commitment. We are committed to assigning each player to a division and team, ensuring their flag football skills and abilities are recognized and improved.

group of kids at the park playing football

Who Are We

Penn Del Flag Football League, Inc. League, formerly Avon Grove Flag Football League, is a youth program in Landenberg, PA. Led by experienced hands once supervised by Mr. Russell, our league offers boys and girls aged 5-17 the excitement of fast-paced football in a safe, non-contact setting. We focus on educating young football fans, promoting participation, and teaching sportsmanship. Participants work on passing, catching, defense, and more in a fun, upbeat atmosphere. Life skills like teamwork and discipline are also emphasized. Every player is placed in a division and team regardless of skill level.


League Dedication

Our Family and staff are dedicating the league in memory of our dear Patty. When our family discussed reviving the league after it was mis managed by Gridiron. Upon our meeting we decided that we needed to bring this league back and make it a premier league in the area. After watching my son Joe start up and play through the league and how family oriented and fun the league was and how everyone played, and cheered each other on, we knew we had to bring it back. We also wanted to make it affordable for everyone. All other leagues are for profit we are not, we get nothing from this all monies go back into the league, this was our decision to give back to the community and our families. Patty was all in as was her husband Donnie, without them non of this would be possible. Patty retired from DART and got right on helping with her vast knowledge of marketing. AT the same time she was battling cancer. We had a successful start in the spring of 2023. In the fall we did not know how much her cancer was taking a toll on her and she was still trying to work on league business, apparently it helped take her mind off of it. We lost her in October. Through all of Patty’s hard work and notes she had written to expand and who to advertise through and connect. We connected with a friend of hers with Localiq. Using those notes and knowledge we had this spring has turned out to be a success. We want to thank all of you for joining us. We are dedicating the league in memory of Patty.

Join Our Fun Flag Football League!

Sign up now and join the Penn Del Flag Football League, Inc. League family. Immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of flag football, where you’ll not only experience the thrill and excitement of the game but also have the opportunity to develop your skills on the field. As you play, you’ll learn valuable life lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship, shaping you into a well-rounded individual. Be a part of our community, meet new friends, and create lasting memories filled with fun and camaraderie!

Take Your Kid’s Skill to the Next Level at Penn Del Flag Football